Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to your Masterclass!

    • My journey to landing my dream job in Canada

    • How will this Masterclass equip you with key information?

  • 2

    Trailblazer Live Session

    • Sign-up for upcoming live sessions

  • 3

    My journey with Sunlife

    • My top reasons for choosing Sunlife

    • Rotational Leadership Development Program: What goes on & Why it's the best launchpad for the leader in you

    • Why Sunlife should be a part of your application strategy

  • 4

    Time Capsule: My 3 years at Uni

    • What I did right during my university

    • Year 1: How to maximize your potential right from the beginning

    • Year 2: How to build your brand for a great profile

    • Year 3: How to become work-ready

    • Highlights from my Time Capsule

  • 5

    My 7 Success Strategies

    • Success Strategies that will make you the ideal candidate

    • Success Strategy 1: Is your graduation aligned with hiring waves?

    • Success Strategy 2: University involvement that brings out your personality to the recruiters

    • Success Strategy 3: Let's pull up those grades, it's never too late!

    • Success Strategy 4: Internships that will take you to the interview round

    • Success Strategy 5: Optimize your use of the Career Centre and never miss out on the best opportunities

    • Success Strategy 6: Electives that can make or break your profile

    • Success Strategy 7: Networking Deep Dive - Master the art of Networking

    • Success Strategy 7: Networking Deep Dive - Where should you go to build a network?

    • Success Strategy 7: Networking Deep Dive - Top tips for you to possess non-negotiable assets in Canada job market

    • Success Strategy 7: Networking Deep Dive - Demonstration of mock networking conversation

  • 6

    Applying to Sunlife

    • Overview of the recruitment process

  • 7

    Stage 1: Perfecting the resume, cover letter & application form

    • Online Application Form: Get everything right in your first qualifying round!

    • A look at my winning CV: How will your CV make the cut

    • My Cover Letter and the rules for writing an unforgettable Cover Letter

    • Resource: CV Template

  • 8

    Stage 2: How to ace your Video Interview

    • Everything you need to know about a Video Interview

    • Demonstration: How to prepare and customize Video Interview answers in advance

    • LBA Plug: Prepping for Competency & Strengths questions

    • LBA Plug: 10 strong examples of Competency & Strengths questions (STAR format)

    • The ultimate video interview checklist

  • 9

    Stage 3: Your shortcut to landing that offer - Top Candidate Event

    • Sneak-peek into the Top Candidate Event for better prep

    • How the Top Candidate Event turned the tables for me

    • How you can meet the right people at the Top Candidate Event

  • 10

    Stage 4: How to leave a lasting impression in the Final Interview

    • You final interview game plan

    • What to do before the Final Interview: Practices that the best candidates adopt

    • Do's and Don'ts to follow for the Final Interview

    • Demonstration: Mock interview question & answers